

Wow this is real, I am really doing it...Peace Corps Lesotho in less than two days. At this moment I am sitting in my hotel room in Philadelphia preparing for the Peace Corps staging event that will occur tomorrow and I am still trying to reflect upon this morning. What a whirlwind of emotions that have been circulating my body these last several days. Saying goodbye to my mom, dad, and sister was heart wrenching. I have felt really ready for this experience to volunteer with the Peace Corps and have been anticipating it for years-litterally, years. But there was something about these last days at home and being around the ones I love and who love me that made it a difficult endeavor to leave on my plane this morning out of San Luis Obispo.

But off I go with great memories of home and a fresh memory of a wonderful last dinner with my family and Emily whom I love so very much. Life has been very good to and I feel that I am in a good stage of my life. I cannot say that life is necessarily going to get even "better" in Lesotho, but I am assure there will be a big change. And in my mind, change is always good because it opens a door for growth. Here I go! Ciao Bellas!

Final Supper at Ventana finished with a chocolate piano for desert..only in the USA..